Farewell 2016!


Farewell 2016

A lot happened in 2016. Throughout the world, there was a lot of really crappy stuff going on. People are understandably done with 2016. Personally, I was pretty happy with the year as a whole. In terms of health, fitness, personal connections, and ‘life in general’, I don’t have much to complain about. I consider myself fortunate and very blessed. However, it’s now time to bid Farewell 2016!


Farewell 2016

While I didn’t hit my target for 2016 km in 2016, I managed a respectable total of 1576 km. There was also a lot of racing, and a lot of different distances:

  • 30km x 1
  • Half Marathon x 9
  • 14km x 1
  • 10km x 6
  • 8km x 2
  • 5km x 2
  • 1 mile x 1
  • Plus…2 trail races, 1 cross country, 1 snowshoe race, 1 virtual race, and the fun-but-hard-to-define Bagel Chase

That’s about 28 races, depending on how you count them – and 366.6km of racing in total (1km of racing for each day of the year!). I won’t go into any great detail here, but you can get your fill of my race reports if you visit my All My Race Reports page! There were a few medals involved, too:

Farewell 2016

The races are great, but it’s really the people that keeping me running. A huge shout out to all the people I’ve had the pleasure of running with this year: RunVan, Forerunners, West Van Run Crew, and BibRave folks…you all rock!

Plus, all the individuals who’ve run with me and supported my running – and the new running friends I’ve made along the way – thank you! Here are a just a few* of the many faces that made 2016 extra special…

Farewell 2016 Farewell 2016

*NOT an exhaustive collageĀ of important running people!!


While I hadn’t set any specific ‘fitness’ goals for 2016, I was pretty consistent in attending Pilates classes at the YMCA with Christie Stoll (she’s amazing), work-sponsored yoga classes, and some irregular visits to the gym. Some room for improvement, but overall not too shabby.

I also joined the new local bike sharing system, Mobi, and started cycling again after many years.


Farewell 2016

A lot of travel in 2016 involved racing. Those 9 half marathons were run in

And although I didn’t race while there, I also had the joy of running during our trip to the UK – in both England & Scotland!

During these travels, we were able to reconnect with friends we hadn’t seen in many years – which was probably one of the things that made this year extra special!


Farewell 2016

My honey & I celebrated 5 years of wedded bliss in June (and 17 years together in December!).

Got to celebrate my Dad’s 85th birthday with him.

Ran my 30th lifetime half marathon – I ran my first in 2011.

Anticipating 2017

My goals for 2017? I’m going to keep that under wraps for now. I looked back at my Themes for 2016 post – and the areas I wanted to focus on this year. Overall, I think I achieved what I had hoped to achieve.

There’s always room for improvement. Suffice it to say, 2017 will be directed toward personal growth in a few different areas. What that will look like has yet to be seen. But I’m optimistic, and believe that next year will be a good one!

Wishing all my readers all the best for 2017!

Happy New Year!

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