7 Days Later – Post-Marathon Musings


It’s hard to believe a week has gone by already. 7 days ago, my legs could barely move, I was exhausted, and I was elated.

Is there such a thing as post-marathon blues?

I took the day off work and spent the day alternating from bed to epsom salt bath to sofa to bed – and repeat. I ate a lot, drank a lot of tea, and took small shuffling steps wherever I went (which wasn’t far). I wrote my marathon race report. I avoided stairs. I thought I’d never be able to run again. Thought about doing a yoga class, and dismissed the idea.

Back to work. So much support from my coworkers, sharing my marathon story. A long painful pedestrian commute both ways. Extreme pain in (on?) the top of my right foot, especially when stepping down. Headed to choir in the evening, and even got a round of applause. It’s weird, because I know so many people have done marathons – run faster, run multiple times – but I’m so appreciative that people think it’s a big deal. It makes me happy.

Took my gym bag to work, thinking I might either go for a short run at lunch, or perhaps go for a brief workout. Neither happened. Still feeling quite a bit of pain, plus I realize that it’s OK to let myself take a break. I’m itching to get back out for another run, but I know I’m not there yet. I just noticed that one of my toenails has turned purple (not black – it probably won’t fall off) and is a bit sore.

Man, toes are funny looking things

What a day! I ran back and forth between meetings for the entire day. OK, I didn’t actually run – but moved at a brisk pace. I’m starting to get my ‘legs’ back. Foot pain has subsided a bit. The walk home was miserable – the rain came back and I was absolutely drenched – memories of the marathon!

Until a few weeks before the marathon, I always did a bit of a workout on Fridays. I think this will be the last ‘holiday’ before I get back to the gym. My body is feeling stronger, but it needs to be doing something. With a mostly sedentary job, I have to be very conscious of getting that physical activity in. I didn’t sleep well last night – I think the lack of exercise is throwing things off a bit.

Back to Forerunners! So great to see a bunch of my running buddies again! A few folks are away, but a bunch of us are here to get into the swing of things. Also awesome to share in everyone’s successes! Next big race – Scotiabank Half Marathon on June 22, so this is what a lot of people are now in training for. Today’s route is a 15k along the water – Jericho and Locarno Beach – and then up the UBC hill. It’s strenuous, of course, but since the full distance is so manageable, I don’t mind at all. Coach Carey has a water stop at 8.5k, and we only have 6.5k more to go!

In my group, there’s a lot of talk about how ‘relative’ running is. The BMO was my first marathon. One of the other girls has ‘only’ done 4 marathons. Another one of the girls is training for her first half marathon – and I’m so excited for her! Just a couple of years ago, that was me! One of the guys has ‘only’ done one marathon, and is training for his second. We discuss speed – the elite 2-hour marathoners vs. friends who take their time and do the marathon in 5 0r 6 hours. Sometimes it’s about beating your own personal best, other times it’s just about finishing the race.

It’s so good to be running again!

But the pain in my foot is back, and I’ve got a few other sore spots. I have a massage scheduled, and I get him to work mostly on my legs. I reflect that a marathon really does take a toll, and I’m glad my next few races are shorter.

Incidentally, I also learn that I’m in the promo photo for the Shaughnessy 8k – so I guess I’d better sign up!

That’s me on the left in the sunglasses

A week ago, I completed my first marathon. It was tough, but now I know that I can do it! I’ve got a physio appointment today, so hopefully I can deal with some of those issues I’ve been complaining about. And I’m ready for a new week – more or less recovered, and back into my routine.

And in case you’re interested, my upcoming races (with more to come?):

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