Mid-Month Check-in


Mid-month Check-in

Happy Monday! Joining Tara (Running ‘n’ Reading) and the gang again for Weekend Update (with a nice new icon)!

Running 'n' Reading

I can’t believe it’s already the middle of June! So far, things haven’t gone exactly as planned, particularly in terms of: blogging, and going to the gym. I blame the awesome weather.

Since my monthly update, I’ve really only had the chance to tell you about my Ambleside Mile experience – which was awesome! In the days following, it was one of those ‘something every night’ type of scenarios. We wrapped up the season of one choir, and started the new summer choir. I had a season wrap-up event with our HR association – a night a TheatreSports that was an absolute blast! Snapped these photos on the return journey that evening:

Granvile Bridge Burrard Bridge

A couple of family things and a BBQ with friends and bam! Another week has gone by.

Running Updates and other stuff

At least I managed to get in some runs!

On Monday, Lana and I went for our first run in almost two weeks, and did our usual Lost Lagoon/Second Beach loop. It was to be our only run during the week, since Lana was taking a bit of time off.

I got a comment on my Ambleside Mile post asking when we were finally going to get in a run…a comment from my BibRave Pro buddy Brie (Like the Cheese).


Have I told you about the BibRave Pro program? I know I’ve mentioned it before, but let me digress and provide a bit more insight.

BibRave is an awesome website that allows folks to rate races across the world –  you can even read my reviews. Somewhere along the way, I saw info on becoming a BibRave Pro, and decided to apply. The program is primarily seeking those with a solid, active social media presence who can commit to engagement with BibRave throughout the year. It involves:

  • Rating all races on BibRave
  • Participating in the weekly #BibChat – one of my favourite things!
  • Getting discounts and free entries to races across North America
  • Receiving and reviewing running products (I haven’t had this opportunity yet)
  • A fabulous BibRave t-shirt!

If you’re interested in applying to be a BibRave Pro – click here. Tell them Bradley sent you!

Anyway, back to the story. So Brie reaches out – she and I are the only BibRave Pros in Vancouver. And I suggested we meet up the next day at lunch! We kept to my familiar route, and had a great time getting to know each other beyond what we’d learned via blog and Twitter!

Olympics and FIFA Brie and me

Brie wants me to join the #NovemberChallenge at 6:29am on Wednesday. I have given my verbal commitment for this week, but I’m still a bit resistant…

Work dominated the next couple of days because gotta pay for life! On Friday, I was finally able to squeeze in a gym/kettle bell workout with Jill from my office. It hurt.

But not as much as Saturday morning! Man, those squats take a toll! But friend accountability meant that my long run on Saturday could not be skipped. It was a tough slog, particularly since Friday had also included #TGIGNT at the local distillery (plus Mama’s Fish & Chips food cart):

TGIGNT Long Table Distillery

Still, it was a flawless morning and 19km sailed by. OK, maybe it didn’t sail…but at least good conversation made it seem a bit less taxing than it might have been otherwise!

IMG_7531 FullSizeRender

Another highlight of the day was our first CSA share pickup from Klippers Organics at the farmers market. If you’re not familiar, Community Supported Agriculture is a program where you pay in advance for a season of produce – allowing the farmers cash flow and security to buy seeds, and do all the legwork involved. Every week for 18 weeks you get a bag of whatever is in season!


This week, our share included a whole lot of yumminess:

  • garlic scapes
  • strawberries
  • snap peas
  • lettuce
  • broccoli
  • Swiss chard
  • kohlrabi
  • salad mix

On that note, I can’t believe June is half over! I’ve got some catching up to do before Canada Day rolls around! See you on the road, and at the gym!

How has your June been so far? Do you like gin & tonic? Do you go to your local farmers’ market? Have you ever participated in a CSA? 


  1. I haven’t gotten to our local Tuesday afternoon market lately. (we used to go to one on Sundays, but those are now consumed by runs) Maybe tomorrow if it’s not brutally hot.

    I haven’t ever done a CSA, but I’ve thought about it. There are also some companies here that put together boxes of local produce and let you specify what you do/don’t want – great for someone as picky as I am (well, there are also things I can’t eat, so….)

    Very hard to believe June is halfway over – yikes, now I REALLY feel behind!

    • bjcjapan

      There’s a local company in Vancouver called SPUD, which actually delivers to our office. It’s tough if you live in a condo, though – they need to have somewhere to drop it off, and since we work all day, it’s just not practical – though the idea of being able to choose is certainly great. But one of the things I like about the CSA is the surprise – and knowing you’re getting what’s fresh RIGHT NOW! Plus, I’m not a picky eater. 🙂

  2. What a great weekend, Bradley! I love CSA offerings; I have purchased a share in the past but, lately, I just shop through our local farmer’s markets. It’s really a convenient option, though, isn’t it? I love that you are able to support local farmers. Great job on your tough workouts – that is awesome! Thanks so much for linking up with the blog!

    • bjcjapan

      I just got the email from our farm supplier about this week’s CSA share – carrots, kohlrabi and collards, among other yummy goodies! Can’t wait! Thanks again for hosting a great linkup!

    • bjcjapan

      BibRave has been an inspiration and motivation for me – and I’ve been doing a lot more races so it seemed like a great opportunity! I haven’t done a virtual race yet…something I’d like to try!

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